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2018 City Management Academy Application


The mission of the City Management Academy is to develop partnerships and educate City of Sacramento residents and business owners to help maintain, revitalize, and promote healthy communities.

Part I: Application Form

Please note: City of Sacramento residents and business owners will be given priority consideration. Applicants who do not live or own a business in the City will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


Mailing Address


Check all that apply

Enrollment/Employment/Business Address

Please indicate how you learned about the City Management Academy

Have you applied for City Management Academy before?

Part II: Statement of Interest

In 500 words or less, share your reasons for wanting to participate in the City Management Academy and explain how you plan to use what you learn to improve your community. Include information related to your participation with City boards, City commissions, neighborhood groups/associations, business groups, or other community-based organizations. Spell out all names and avoid using acronyms. Include your Statement of Interest with the application form.

Part III: Attendance Requirement & Materials Fee

I understand the City Management Academy is a valuable opportunity provided by the City of Sacramento. As such, attendance is required and missing more than one of the ten evening sessions can result in dismissal from the course. The 2018 City Management Academy will be hosted every Wednesday evening 5:30-9:00pm beginning Wednesday, September 5, 2018 and concluding Tuesday, November 13, 2018 (graduation at City Council).

Applicant Signature

Choose how to sign