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River Friendly Landscape

Customers participating in the City’s River Friendly Landscape program may choose to upgrade their irrigation system, install a smart controller and convert their existing turf grass to a water wise landscape. The Single Family customers can also choose to apply for Landscape Design Assistance, Rain barrel and Laundry-to-Landscape rebates within this form. The rebate is limited to Department of Utility customers and is open to all account types.

Note that rebates are NOT retroactive and it is the customer’s responsibility to be aware of the program requirements.  Projects underway or completed prior to pre-inspection are not eligible.

Property Address

Is your mailing address different from property address?

Important: This is where DOU will mail the final rebate check

Mailing Address

To be eligible, you must:

  1. Be receiving City of Sacramento water service at the property;
  2. Be the property owner or bill-paying tenant with written consent from the property owner;

Who is completing this application?

Please upload an approval letter from Owner permitting the project.

Click Here to Upload

Property Type

Specify which criteria you fall under?

Please check the rebate that applies to your project.

Grass Conversion Rebate

The grass conversion rebate is for City of Sacramento Department of Utilities customers to replace grass lawns with a water wise landscape. If you have an automated irrigation system for your planned conversion area, it must be converted to a drip irrigation system controlled by an EPA Watersense-labeled smart irrigation controller.

Rebates are NOT retroactive. Projects underway or completed prior to pre-inspection are not eligible.

Rebate Amounts for Single-Family and Duplex:

  • Maximum grass conversion rebate of $3,000 at $1.50 per square foot of grass converted on the front, back and side yard (Maximum 2,000 sq. ft combined). Your rebate will be the amount of your applicable expenses as verified by receipts but will not exceed $1.50 times the square footage of grass removed up to $3,000.
  • Separately, up to $400 for materials used to convert to drip irrigation and/or rotary nozzles for front, side, or back yard which are not part of the grass conversion rebate, and up to $400 for adding an EPA WaterSense-labeled smart irrigation controller.
  • Labor costs by a licensed landscaping contractor (C-27) of up to $500 may be included as a reimbursable expense.
  • Any combination of labor and materials cannot exceed $1.50 per square foot.

Landscape Requirements:

  • Each converted area must include non-invasive, water wise plants, such as drought tolerant groundcovers, shrubs and trees, as approved by the City. New landscape plans must contain at least 60% plant coverage upon plant maturity for each distinct area.
  • Tree canopy and plants outside the converted area are not considered in the calculation even if they are adjacent to or overhanging the converted area. If existing trees are located within the converted area, you will receive credit for no more than one quarter (1/4) of the total mature tree canopy towards the living 60 percent plant coverage requirement (if low or medium water use tree).
  • For distinct areas greater than 250 square feet, the converted area must include a minimum of 5 plants.
  • Any design elements that are not plant material, such as planters, rocks, mulch or similar element must be integrated as part of the converted area's landscape.
  • Pathways may be installed but must be permeable in order to count toward the canopy coverage requirement. Mulch may be organic or inorganic, must be spread 2"-5" beneath trees and shrubs and shall be 6" or less in diameter.
  • If any turfgrass remains in a distinct area converted to a water wise landscape, there shall be no runoff or overspray and the customer is encouraged to upgrade the sprinklers through our Irrigation Upgrade rebate program.
  • Ineligible items and products include but are not limited to the following: artificial turf, soil amendments, seeds, and tools purchased to complete the project.

Tell us a bit about your current yard:

Photo Submission Guidelines

Please upload photo(s) of your current grass lawn area(s) and irrigation upgrade area(s).

Click Here to Upload

Please specify below the details of your current irrigation system(s).

I currently hand water:

I currently have sprinklers:

I currently have drip Irrigation system:

Tell us the details of your project:

Please specify the location of your project

Please specify how you will upgrade your irrigation system.

Please Note: Existing Irrigation system will have to be disable or capped off.

I will hand water:

Please Note: Installation of an EPA WaterSense Labeled Smart Irrigation Controller is required.

Did you buy the Smart Irrigation Controller from SMUD Energy Store and receive an instant rebate?

Please upload a photo or copy of your SMUD Energy Store purchase receipt(s) that clearly shows zero balance and proof of payment.

Click Here to Upload

Did you buy a Drip conversion kit from SMUD Energy Store and receive an instant rebate?

Please upload a photo or copy of your SMUD Energy Store purchase receipt(s) that clearly shows zero balance and proof of payment.

Click Here to Upload

Program Checklist:

SMUD Energy Store Irrigation Upgrade Rebate Terms and Conditions

Design Assistance Program

Are you interested in participating in the Landscape Design Assistance Program?

Program Checklist for Grass Rebate with Design Assistance Program
Design Program Application Terms & Conditions

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the program Term and Conditions.

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the program FAQs

I understand I must have a pre-inspection before starting my project.

I understand that if I irrigate with an automated system, I must have a high efficiency irrigation system that is controlled by an EPA WaterSense Labeled Smart Irrigation Controller.

I understand that I must pay the fee of up to $200 when I receive the two-hour profession landscape design assistance and submit the receipt from the Designer along with other receipts to receive the Landscape Design Assistance Rebate.

I understand that if my project takes longer than 120 days, I must submit a request for extension via mail or email as early as possible.

I understand that if I am asked for supplemental documents to my application, I must supply them within two weeks from the time I am asked for them from program staff. If I fail to return them within this time frame, my application will be withdrawn and I must wait one month before reapplying.

I understand that the landscape must remain in place for a minimum of five years after project completion.

I understand that the City of Sacramento is required to send IRS form 1099 to me and the IRS when rebates total $600 or more.

I understand that I must submit an approval letter from the Property Owner permitting the project

Photo/Video Release (Optional)

I hereby grant to the City of Sacramento the absolute and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission to use, reuse, display, distribute, transmit, publish, republish, copy, or otherwise exploit, either in whole or in part, either digitally, in print, or in any other medium now or hereafter known, for any purpose whatsoever and without restriction, photographs or video taken of me, my residence or my property; to alter the same without restriction; and to copyright the same. I understand and agree that the City may or may not use my name in conjunction with such use as the City chooses.

I hereby release and discharge the City, and its officials, employees, agents, representatives, and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of any such photographs and video including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy, right of publicity, and defamation.

I represent that I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and that I have read the foregoing and fully understand its contents.

This release shall be binding upon me, my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.

This agreement is being made and entered into under the laws of the State of California and shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of California. This release embodies the entire agreement of the parties (subject and photographer).

I agree to the photo and video release

Important: Please submit online form for Plant Coverage Worksheet.

Please upload photo(s) of your current front grass lawn.

Click Here to Upload

Important: Please submit online form for Landscape Plan Sketch

Please upload photo(s) or document(s) of a Landscape Plan Sketch.

Click Here to Upload

Plant Coverage Sheet Confirmation.

Landscape Plan Sketch Confirmation.

Program Checklist for Grass Conversion Rebate without Design Assistance Program

Single Family & Duplex Grass Conversion Rebate Terms & Conditions.

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the program Term and Conditions.

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the program FAQs

I understand I must have a pre-inspection before starting my project.

I understand that any remaining turfgrass must be irrigated efficiently with either appropriate rotating sprinkler nozzles or subsurface drip irrigation and there must be no runoff to adjacent properties.

I understand that if I irrigate with an automated system, it must be irrigated by an EPA WaterSense Labeled Smart Irrigation Controller and it must be irrigated with drip. Hand watering of the converted area is permitted for those with no existing irrigation system and no plans to install one.

I understand that if my project takes longer than 120 days, I must submit a request for extension via mail or email as early as possible.

I understand that the City of Sacramento is required to send IRS form 1099 to me and the IRS when rebates total $600 or more.

I understand that if I am asked for supplemental documents to my application, I must supply them within two weeks from the time I am asked for them from program staff. If I fail to return them within this time frame, my application will be withdrawn and I must wait one month before reapplying.

I understand that the landscape must remain in place for a minimum of five years after project completion.

Steps to proceed:

  1. Submit a completed Grass Conversion application. Include photos of existing turf, plant coverage worksheet and landscape plan.
  2. Wait for approval from water Conservation staff. Please note that missing information may cause delay.
  3. If you have submitted a Plant Coverage Worksheet and a Sketch of your plan, a Specialist will pre-inspect/approve your project and give you a deadline for completion.
  4. Complete your landscape conversion project and submit receipts and a photo within the 120 days following project approval.
  5. Post inspection from Water Conservation staff-After we receive your itemized receipts, they will be reviewed and verified by Water Conservation Staff. Following receipt review, you will be subject to a post-completion inspection (you will be contacted to confirm the appointment).
  6. Receive a rebate check-You should receive your rebate check within 120 days of your post-inspection appointment and approval. 

Steps to proceed:

  1. Submit a completed Grass Conversion application. Include photos of existing turf areas.
  2. Wait to be contacted by Water Conservation staff. Please note that missing information may cause delay.
  3. Once approved to proceed, review the list of Landscape Designers and choose one that meets your needs (one consultation per rebate per site).
  4. Please complete the Landscape Design Questionnaire.
  5. Schedule your two-hour landscape design consultation.
  6. Pay the Landscape Designer the $200 fee and get a receipt for the fee.
  7. Send in plant coverage worksheet and your landscape plan/sketch.
  8. Complete the pre-inspection with the Water Conservation Specialist before beginning your project.
  9. Complete your landscape conversion project and submit receipts and a photo within 120 days following project approval. If using a contractor for your project, please utilize the Contractor packet to convey receipt requirements.
  10. Post inspection from Water Conservation staff-After we receive your itemized receipts, they will be reviewed and verified by Water Conservation Staff. Following receipt review, you will be subject to a post-completion inspection (you will be contacted to confirm the appointment).
  11. Receive a rebate check-You should receive your rebate check within 120 days of your post-inspection appointment and approval. 

Irrigation Upgrade Rebate Application

An Irrigation upgrade rebate is provided to City of Sacramento Department of Utilities customers for conversion of sprinkler nozzles and heads to high efficiency sprinkler nozzles (using 0.85 inches per hour or less), for conversion to drip irrigation and adding an EPA WaterSense-labeled smart irrigation controller. Parkways of 8 feet or less must be converted to drip to qualify for the rebate.

Rebates are NOT retroactive. Projects underway or completed prior to pre-inspection are not eligible

Irrigation Upgrade Rebate Amounts for Single Family and Duplex:

  • Maximum rebate of $800, including up to $400 for materials used to upgrade current irrigation system to drip-irrigation or high efficiency sprinkler nozzles and up to $400 for upgrading to a WaterSense-labeled smart irrigation controller.
  • Labor costs by a licensed landscaping contractor (C-27) of up to $150 may be included as a reimbursable expense.

Please upload photo(s) of your current grass lawn area(s) and irrigation upgrade area(s).

Click Here to Upload

Tell us the details of your project:

Photo Submission Guidelines

Please specify below the details of your current irrigation system(s).

I currently hand water:

My irrigation upgrade will involve:

Do you have one or more irrigation timers?

Please upload photo(s) of your current Irrigation Controller(s)

Click Here to Upload

Tell us the details of your proposed project:

Please specify the location of your project

Please specify how you will upgrade your irrigation system.

Did you buy the new Smart Irrigation Controller from SMUD Energy Store or a Drip Conversion kit with an instant rebate from the SMUD Energy Store?

Please upload a photo or copy of your SMUD Energy Store purchase receipt(s) that clearly shows zero balance and proof of payment.

Click Here to Upload

Program Checklist:

Single Family & Duplex Irrigation upgrade Rebate Terms & Conditions.

Program Checklist:

SMUD Energy Store Irrigation Upgrade Rebate Terms and Conditions

Program Checklist:

SMUD Energy Store Irrigation Upgrade Rebate Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions Confirmation

Irrigation Upgrade Pre-Inspection Requirement

Steps to proceed:

  1. Submit a completed Irrigation Upgrade Rebate application.
  2. Wait for pre-inspection approval from Water Conservation Staff.
  3. Complete your irrigation upgrade and submit receipts and a photo within the 120 days following  project approval.
  4. Post inspection from Water Conservation Staff – After we receive your itemized receipts, they will be reviewed and verified by Water Conservation staff. Following receipt review, you may be subject to a post-completion inspection(you will be contacted to confirm the appointment).
  5. Receive a rebate check– You should receive your rebate check within 12 weeks of your post inspection appointment and approval. 


Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate Application

Smart irrigation controllers act like a thermostat for your sprinkler system to automatically tailor watering schedules and run times on sprinklers or drip systems. Smart controllers either are sensor based and use real-time measurements using weather information and site conditions (e.g., soil type, plant type, and slope), or are signal based and regularly receive the data from local weather stations via the internet. Currently, only EPA WaterSense-labeled smart irrigation controllers are eligible for the City's rebate and can save an average home up to 15,000 gallons of water annually.

Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate Amounts for Single-Family and Duplex:

  • Up to $400 to install an EPA WaterSense-labeled smart irrigation controller.
  • Reimbursement will be provided for materials necessary to complete the actual upgrade and will not be provided for optional materials or equipment.   
  • Labor costs by a licensed landscaping contractor (C-27) of up to $150 to install and program the smart irrigation controller may be included as a reimbursable expense.

Tell us the details of your project:

Please specify below the details of your current project.

I currently hand water:

I currently have sprinklers:

I currently have drip Irrigation system:

Please upload photo(s) of your current Irrigation Controller(s)

Click Here to Upload

Tell us the details of your proposed project:

Did you buy the Smart Irrigation Controller from SMUD Energy Store and receive an instant rebate?

Please upload a photo or copy of your SMUD Energy Store purchase receipt(s) that clearly shows zero balance and proof of payment.

Click Here to Upload

Have you installed the new Smart Controller?

Please upload photo(s) of your installed controller and photos or document(s) of your labor.

Click Here to Upload

Program Checklist:

 Smart Controller Rebate Terms & Conditions for residents who purchased from SMUD Energy Store with an instant rebate.” As shown below with the attached terms and conditions linked.

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the program Term and Conditions.

I understand, the irrigation system needs to be in proper working order, determined by Water Conservation Staff, to receive the rebate.

I understand I must have a post-inspection conducted by Water Conservation staff after installation of my smart controller to receive the rebate.

Steps to proceed

  1. Read through Frequently Asked Questions about Smart Irrigation Controllers.
  2. Complete and submit the application.
  3. Purchase a new Smart Controller and install it.
  4. Email receipts and photos of the new installed device to
  5. Water Conservation Staff will contact you to approve/deny your project.
  6. If approved, you’ll receive a check in the mail within 12 weeks.

Other Programs

Would you like to apply for our other programs?

Rain Barrel Rebate Application

The Rain Barrel Rebate conserves water by storing rainwater/run off during rain events for use during dry periods. The amount of water that can be collected from a rooftop depends on several variables: the dimensions of the rooftop, the collection capacity, and the amount/timing of the rain received. Be sure to calculate how much rain barrel storage capacity you will need: 1,000 square feet of roof surface can create around 625 gallons of water for every one inch of rain that falls.

To be eligible, you must:

  1. Be receiving City of Sacramento water service at the property;
  2. Be a single family/duplex homeowner.
  3. Be the property owner or bill-paying tenant with written consent from the property owner.
  4. Apply first before purchasing the rain barrels. The rebate is not retroactive.

Rebate Amounts:

  • Up to $0.75 per gallon of water storage capacity of installed Rain Barrels. 
  • The rebate is for Rain Barrel(s) only and does not include labor, materials, or equipment.
  • Maximum Rain Barrel Rebate: $150 (200 gallons of capacity).

Rain Barrel Requirements:

  • Rain Barrels must be above-ground units connected to a gutter downspout, designed for the intended purpose of rain capture.
  • Be placed on a solid and level foundation for stability.
  • Be covered to prevent mosquitoes, rodents, and debris from entering your stored water.
  • Be mounted in a way that it can receive water unimpeded from a rain gutter.
  • Be out of the way of walkways or pathways.
  • Be used to irrigate your landscape.

Rain Barrel # 1

Rain Barrel # 1

Rain Barrel # 2

Rain Barrel # 1

Rain Barrel # 2

Rain Barrel # 3

Rain Barrel # 1

Rain Barrel # 2

Rain Barrel # 3

Rain Barrel # 4

Maximum Rain Barrel Rebate: $150 (200 gallons of capacity)

Please upload pre installation photo(s) of the front of your home and a photo of each downspout.

Click Here to Upload

Program Checklist:

Rain Barrel Rebate Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions Confirmation.

I understand I must submit the receipts/invoices (as described in the terms and conditions) and must have a post-inspection before the rebate check is issued.

I understand that if my project takes longer than 120 days, I must submit a request for extension via mail or email as early as possible.

I understand that the rain barrel must remain in place for a minimum of five years after project completion.

Steps to proceed

  1. Submit a completed Rebate application.
  2. Complete the project. Your project must be completed within 120 days of your approval date and you must submit your itemized receipts or invoices with a photo of your completed project once complete
  3. Post inspection from Water Conservation Staff – After we receive your itemized receipts, they will be reviewed and verified by Water Conservation staff. Following receipt review, you may be subject to a post-completion inspection (you will be contacted to confirm the appointment).
  4. Receive a rebate check– You should receive your rebate check within eight weeks of your post inspection appointment and approval. 

Laundry To Landscape Rebate Application

A Laundry Landscape Graywater System routes water collected from your washing machine to your landscape. (This water is untreated wastewater and is thus non potable).  This type of graywater system allows for wastewater from your clothes washer to be diverted to either the sewer or to your landscape for irrigation. Laundry Landscape systems are defined as addons to your plumbing and should not modify it in any way. If you find that modifications to the existing plumbing are necessary, or if you desire to utilize other graywater sources (such as from your shower or bathroom sinks), building permits will be required and your project will no longer qualify for the River Friendly Landscape Program. The requirements listed in this application were established by chapter 16 of the 2013 Uniform Plumbing Code.

Apply first before purchasing the rain barrels. The rebate is not retroactive.

To be eligible, you must:

  1. Be receiving City of Sacramento water service at the property;
  2. Be the property owner or bill-paying tenant with written consent from the property owner.

Rebate Amounts:

Up to $100 for materials used to install a Laundry Landscape Graywater System

Requirements for Laundry Landscape Graywater Systems

  • System must utilize ONLY water from clothes washing machine.
  • System MUST NOT alter the household plumbing. (You can access the graywater from the hose on the washing machine without cutting into the plumbing.)
  • System must follow the 12 guidelines in the California Plumbing Code.
  • System must utilize a CLEARLY LABELED three way valve allowing water to be diverted to either the sewer or landscape in case of a load of laundry containing unsafe substances.
  • Water used to wash diapers or similarly soiled garments shall not be used for irrigation and shall be directed to the building's sewer.
  • Graywater shall not contain hazardous chemicals derived from activities such as cleaning car parts, washing greasy or oily rags, or disposing of waste solutions from household activities.
  • The irrigation outdoors must be planned in such a way that no water pools in the yard nor runs into the street or another waterway.
  • All graywater rerouted to your landscape must be distributed and contained on site. The landscape area that receives the graywater must be large enough to absorb the water, and must be covered by at least two inches of soil, rock, mulch, or other permeable material.
  • Graywater must be distributed through subsurface irrigation (with no overhead irrigation).  
  • The system must be designed and installed to prevent contact with humans and pets.  
  • Graywater shall not be used to irrigate root crops intended for human consumption. 
  • Irrigation lines must be set back 18 inches from the property line, 24 inches from buildings, and 100 feet from wells, waterways, or other water sources.
  • The completed system must include an operating and maintenance manual that will remain within the building throughout the life of the system.

Laundry-to-landscape Rebate Amounts for Single Family and Duplex:

  • Up to $100 for supplies to install a single fixture (Laundry-to-Landscape) graywater irrigation system

Please upload photo(s) of your laundry machine and surrounding walls/plumbing.

Click Here to Upload

Please upload photo(s) of the exterior of your home featuring the landscape to be irrigated.

Click Here to Upload

Please upload the plan(s) to show graywater installation inside of your home. The Plan should include 1) Placement of the three way valve, 2) Placement of the hole allowing pipes to exit from your laundry room towards the landscaping, 3) The location of the washing machine next to the exterior or interior wall, and 4) The pipes routing water to the sewer and the landscape.

Click Here to Upload

Please upload the plan(s) to show graywater installation outside of your home. The Plan should include 1) Location of the auto vent, 2) Placement of the plants to be irrigated and the mulch basins surrounding them, 3) Placement of the tubing and mulch shields, and 4) Indicate the slope of the land ( flat, downhill or uphill). .

Click Here to Upload

Steps to proceed

  1. Submit a completed Rebate application.
  2. Complete the project. Your project must be completed within 120 days of your approval date and you must submit your itemized receipts or invoices with a photo of your completed project once complete
  3. Post inspection from Water Conservation Staff – After we receive your itemized receipts, they will be reviewed and verified by Water Conservation staff. Following receipt review, you may be subject to a post-completion inspection (you will be contacted to confirm the appointment).
  4. Receive a rebate check- You should receive your rebate check within eight weeks of your post-inspection appointment and approval.

Please check the rebate that applies to your project.

Grass Conversion Rebate

The grass conversion rebate is for City of Sacramento Department of Utilities customers to replace grass lawns with a water wise landscape. If you have an automated irrigation system for your planned conversion area, it must be converted to a drip irrigation system controlled by an EPA Watersense-labeled smart irrigation controller.

Rebates are NOT retroactive. Projects underway or completed prior to pre-inspection are not eligible.

Rebate Amounts for Multi Family & Commercial:

  • Maximum grass conversion rebate of $50,000 at $1.50 per square foot for landscape retrofit project, including turf conversion and irrigation upgrade with smart controllers. 
  • Smart controller may be rebated at $25 per wired station, up to $700.
  • Labor costs for a licensed landscaping contractor (C-27) may be reimbursed up to an amount not exceeding 20% of the total project’s reimbursable amount.
  • Any combination of labor and materials cannot exceed $1.50 per square foot.

Landscape Requirements:

  • Each converted area must include non-invasive, water wise plants, such as drought tolerant groundcovers, shrubs and trees, as approved by the City. New landscape plans must contain at least 60% plant coverage upon plant maturity for each distinct area.
  • Tree canopy and plants outside the converted area are not considered in the calculation even if they are adjacent to or overhanging the converted area. If existing trees are located within the converted area, you will receive credit for no more than one quarter (1/4) of the total mature tree canopy towards the living 60 percent plant coverage requirement (if low or medium water use tree).
  • The customer will receive credit for no more than 250 square feet, the converted area must include a minimum of 5 plants.
  • Any design elements that are not plant material, such as planters, rocks, mulch or similar element must be integrated as part of the converted area's landscape.
  • Pathways may be installed but must be permeable in order to count toward the canopy coverage requirement. Mulch may be organic or inorganic, must be spread 2"-5" beneath trees and shrubs and shall be 6" or less in diameter.
  • If any turfgrass remains in a distinct area converted to a water wise landscape, there shall be no runoff or overspray and the customer is encouraged to upgrade the sprinklers through our Irrigation Upgrade rebate program.
  • Ineligible items and products include but are not limited to the following: artificial turf, soil amendments, seeds, and tools purchased to complete the project.

Tell us a bit about your current landscape:

Photo Submission Guidelines

Please upload photo(s) of your current grass lawn area(s) and irrigation upgrade area(s).

Click Here to Upload

Please specify below the details of your current irrigation system(s).

I currently hand water:

My irrigation upgrade will involve:

Do you have one or more Irrigation timers?

Please upload the list and photo(s) of your current Irrigation Controller(s).

Click Here to Upload

Tell us the details of your project:

Important: Please submit online form for Plant Coverage Worksheet.

Please upload a copy of the Plant Coverage Worksheet.

Click Here to Upload

Please upload photo(s) or document(s) of a Landscape Plan Sketch.

Click Here to Upload

Please specify how you will upgrade your irrigation system.

Have you installed the new Smart Controller?

Please upload photo(s) of your installed controller and photos or document(s) of your labor.

Click Here to Upload

Program Checklist for Grass Conversion Rebate:

Multi-Family & Commercial Turf Conversion Rebate Terms & Conditions

Program Checklist for Grass Conversion Rebate:

Multi-Family & Commercial Turf Conversion Rebate Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions Confirmation.

I understand I must have a pre-inspection before starting my project.

I understand that if I irrigate with an automated system, it must be irrigated by an EPA WaterSense Labeled Smart Irrigation Controller and it must be irrigated with drip. Hand watering of the converted area is permitted for those with no existing irrigation system and no plans to install one.

I understand that if my project takes longer than 120 days, I must submit a request for extension via mail or email as early as possible.

I understand that if I am asked for supplemental documents to my application, I must supply them within two weeks from the time I am asked for them from program staff. If I fail to return them within this time frame, my application will be withdrawn and I must wait one month before reapplying.

I understand that the landscape must remain in place for a minimum of five years after project completion.

I understand that the City of Sacramento is required to send IRS form 1099 to me and the IRS when rebates total $600 or more.

I understand that I must submit an approval letter from the Property Owner permitting the project.

Photo/Video Release (Optional)

I hereby grant to the City of Sacramento the absolute and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission to use, reuse, display, distribute, transmit, publish, republish, copy, or otherwise exploit, either in whole or in part, either digitally, in print, or in any other medium now or hereafter known, for any purpose whatsoever and without restriction, photographs or video taken of me, my residence or my property; to alter the same without restriction; and to copyright the same. I understand and agree that the City may or may not use my name in conjunction with such use as the City chooses.

I hereby release and discharge the City, and its officials, employees, agents, representatives, and assignees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of any such photographs and video including without limitation any and all claims for invasion of privacy, right of publicity, and defamation.

I represent that I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and that I have read the foregoing and fully understand its contents.

This release shall be binding upon me, my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.

This agreement is being made and entered into under the laws of the State of California and shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of California. This release embodies the entire agreement of the parties (subject and photographer).

I agree to the photo and video release.

Steps to proceed:

  1. Submit a completed Grass Conversion application. Include photos of existing turf, plant coverage worksheet and landscape plan.
  2. Wait for approval from Water Conservation staff. Please note that missing information may cause delay.
  3. Schedule the pre-inspection before beginning you project.
  4. Complete your landscape conversion project and submit receipts and a photo within the 120 days following project approval.
  5. Post inspection from Water Conservation staff-After we receive your itemized receipts, they will be reviewed and verified by Water Conservation Staff. Following receipt review, you will be subject to a post-completion inspection (you will be contacted to confirm the appointment).
  6. Receive a rebate check-You should receive your rebate check within 120 days of your post-inspection appointment and approval. 

Irrigation Upgrade Rebate Application

An Irrigation upgrade rebate is provided to City of Sacramento Department of Utilities customers for conversion of sprinkler nozzles and heads to high efficiency sprinkler nozzles (using 0.85 inches per hour or less), for conversion to drip irrigation and adding EPA WaterSense-labeled smart irrigation controller(s). Parkways of 8 feet or less must be converted to drip to qualify for the rebate.

Rebates are NOT retroactive. Projects underway or completed prior to pre-inspection are not eligible

Irrigation Upgrade Rebate Amounts for Multi Family & Commercial:

  • Maximum rebate amount is $50,000 for materials used to upgrade or convert to water efficient irrigation systems, including up to $700 for installing each WaterSense-labeled smart irrigation controller ($25 per wired station).
  • Labor costs for a licensed landscaping contractor (C-27) may be reimbursed up to an amount not exceeding 20% of the total project’s reimbursable amount.
  • Any combination of labor and materials cannot exceed $50,000.

Tell us the details of your project:

Photo Submission Guideline

Please upload photo(s) of your current grass lawn area(s) and irrigation upgrade area(s).

Click Here to Upload

Please specify below the details of your current irrigation system(s).

I currently hand water:

My irrigation upgrade will involve:

Do you have one or more irrigation timers?

Please upload photo(s) of your current Irrigation Controller(s)

Click Here to Upload

Tell us the details of your proposed project:

Please specify how you will upgrade your irrigation system.

Have you installed the new Smart Controller(s)?

Please upload photo(s) of your installed controller and photos or document(s) of your labor.

Click Here to Upload

Program Checklist:

Multi Family & Commercial Irrigation upgrade Rebate Terms & Conditions.

Terms & Conditions Confirmation

Irrigation Upgrade Pre-Inspection Requirement

Steps to proceed:

  1. Submit a completed Irrigation Upgrade Rebate application.
  2. Wait for approval from Water Conservation staff. Please note that missing information may cause delay.
  3. Schedule the pre-inspection before beginning your project.
  4. Complete your irrigation upgrade and submit receipts and a photo within the 120 days following  project approval.
  5. Post inspection from Water Conservation Staff – After we receive your itemized receipts, they will be reviewed and verified by Water Conservation staff. Following receipt review, you may be subject to a post-completion inspection(you will be contacted to confirm the appointment).
  6. Receive a rebate check– You should receive your rebate check within eight weeks of your post inspection appointment and approval. 


Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate Application

Smart irrigation controllers act like a thermostat for your sprinkler system to automatically tailor watering schedules and run times on sprinklers or drip systems. Smart controllers either are sensor based and use real-time measurements using weather information and site conditions (e.g., soil type, plant type, and slope), or are signal based and regularly receive the data from local weather stations via the internet. Currently, only EPA WaterSense-labeled smart irrigation controllers are eligible for the City's rebate and can save an average home up to 15,000 gallons of water annually.

Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate Amounts for Multi Family & Commercial:

  • Up to $700 for installing each WaterSense-labeled smart irrigation controller ($25/irrigation station or $400 minimum).
  • Reimbursement will be provided for materials necessary to complete the actual upgrade, not for optional materials or equipment.
  • Labor costs by a licensed landscaping contractor (C-27) of up to $500 to install and program the smart irrigation controller may be included as a reimbursable expense.

Tell us the details of your project:

Please specify below the details of your current project.

I currently hand water:

I currently have sprinklers:

I currently have drip Irrigation system:

Please upload photo(s) of your current Irrigation Controller(s).

Click Here to Upload

Tell us the details of your proposed project:

Have you installed the new Smart Controller?

Please upload photo(s) of your installed controller and photos or document(s) of your labor.

Click Here to Upload

Program Checklist:

 Smart Controller Rebate Terms & Conditions.

I acknowledge that I have read and understand the program Term and Conditions.

I understand, the irrigation system needs to be in proper working order, determined by Water Conservation Staff, to receive the rebate.

I understand I must have a post-inspection conducted by Water Conservation staff after installation of my smart controller to receive the rebate.

Steps to proceed:

  1. Read through Frequently Asked Questions about Smart Irrigation Controllers.
  2. Complete and submit the application.
  3. Expect post-inspection to be scheduled by the Water Conservation Staff.
  4. Your project must be completed within 120 days of your approval date and you must submit your itemized receipts or invoices with a photo of your completed project once complete.


Sign Here

Choose how to sign

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