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Front Street Animal Shelter - Transfer of Foster Dog Care Agreement

In the event of a transfer of custody from one foster care provider to another, this form must be completed and submitted by the receiving foster volunteer prior to assuming care of the foster cats/kittens. The transferring foster care provider is responsible for ensuring that the receiving foster volunteer has all of the information needed and completes this form prior to assuming care.

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FROM (Previous)

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TO (New)

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Is the foster a cat or dog?

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Is your foster cat/dog currently scheduled for Boosters?


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Is your foster cat/dog currently scheduled for Vet Check?


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Is your foster cat/dog currently scheduled for on the fix-it list?


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Date of transfer (ideal to have the form sent to Cat Foster Team prior to transfer)

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I understand that the foster animal(s) is only temporarily in my care and legally belongs to the CSACS.

I understand that the purpose of this foster relationship is to provide care for the foster animal(s) and to help the foster animal(s) overcome any issues he/she may have.

I understand that any and all adoptions of foster animal(s) will be made through the CSACS and are subject to the same guidelines as any other adoption. Foster Care Providers (FCP) are encouraged to assist in the placement process of their foster animal(s) – but cannot make any decisions regarding the final placement of the animal(s). Extra effort will be made to keep fostered animals available for adoption, but I understand that my foster animal(s) may eventually be subject to euthanasia due to various reasons such as health or behavior reasons.

I agree to surrender the foster animal to the CSACS at the end of the foster care period or immediately upon request.

I will not relinquish custody of the foster animal(s) to anyone except the CSACS. I understand that if I can't care for the foster animal(s) for any reason (even temporarily), I must bring the foster animal(s) back to the shelter.

I will return the foster animal(s) to the CSACS shelter for periodic checkups and regular vaccinations.

I will administer medications to the foster animal(s) as recommended and supplied by the CSACS.

I will notify the CSACS immediately if the foster animal(s) is lost, injured or becomes ill and needs immediate medical care.

Any medical costs incurred by me that have not had prior approval of CSACS are my obligation alone and shall not be the obligation of CSACS. Any emergency medical treatment should be cleared with the Foster Care Coordinator.

I agree to keep all foster cats and kittens indoors at ALL times.

I confirm all personal pets are fully vaccinated against Bordetella, Rabies, DHPP. CSACS recommends Bordetella every six months. CSACS is not responsible for illness to any privately owned animal.

I agree to keep all foster dogs and puppies in a secure area, preferably a crate or kennel run. I will not allow the foster dogs or puppies off-leash except in a secure fenced area of my property. I will not take the dog to a dog park.

I will assure that foster animal(s) not nursing always wear the collar and ID tags supplied by CSACS.

I will feed, water, groom, exercise and socialize the foster animal(s) as appropriate.

I will comply with all laws and ordinances that apply to this foster animal(s) and my guardianship of him/her in the area where I reside and/or house the animal.

I understand that the CSACS may examine and inquire about the foster animal(s) at any time. If the CSACS determines that I am not complying with this agreement in any way, CSACS may reclaim the animal(s) and is entitled to enter my property to do so.

I understand that CSACS cannot guarantee or be responsible for the behavior, or temperament of the foster animal(s). I understand that the actions of animals are often unpredictable and I will insure that the foster animal(s) will be closely supervised by me, or a responsible person delegated by me, particularly when the foster animal(s) is with children.

I understand that it is my decision to foster animal(s) for CSACS. I am aware that foster animal(s) may cause damage to my personal property, other pets and humans. I will not hold CSACS liable for any damage, injury, illness or harm caused directly or indirectly through my FCP position with CSACS.

I understand that the Foster Care Application that I completed to qualify as a FCP is incorporated fully as part of the agreement. Any misrepresentation by me on that application is a breach of this agreement that entitles CSACS to reclaim the foster animal(s) and to terminate my foster care position if CSACS so chooses.

Further, I agree that as a Foster Care Provider that CSACS shall be held harmless from any and all claims, liability, judgments losses, damages, expenses, or cost of any kind arising out of any injury or illness related to the City of Sacramento Foster Care Program.

I will notify CSACS of any changes to my address or phone number.

I, the undersigned understand it is the policy of the City of Sacramento Animal Care Services and the City Council to prohibit the adoption of unaltered dogs and cats. I will provide foster care to an animal which has not been altered at this time due to extenuating circumstances. I agree to maintain an awareness of that and will act responsibly and take the necessary precautions surrounding this animal. I promise to return the animal when the extenuating circumstances no longer exist.

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