Please use this form to submit orders for photo reproductions. Our online database contains more than 65,000 images from our collections. If you cannot find the image you want through the database, please email with a description of what you’re looking for and we will search our holdings.
CSH charges fees for digital copies of images and you will receive digital files only. CSH does not make prints. We charge $25 for scanning every 10 images (fee waived if image is already scanned in high resolution), plus use fees that range from $10-$200 an image depending how you intend to use them. Images in the public domain or those that fall under fair use are only charged the scanning fees. See a copy of our photographic reproduction fee schedule for more information.
CSH will send you an invoice and any questions we have about your order within 2 business days of receiving this form. We respond to reproduction requests in the order they are received and we ask for a two-week turnaround time, though we often deliver images faster than that. Digital files will be released to you once we receive your payment.
CSH charges fees for digital copies of images and you will receive digital files only. CSH does not make prints. We charge $25 for scanning every 10 images (fee waived if image is already scanned in high resolution), plus use fees that range from $10-$200 an image depending how you intend to use them. Images in the public domain or those that fall under fair use are only charged the scanning fees. See a copy of our photographic reproduction fee schedule
Full Name
Street Address
How do you plan to use the requested image(s)?
Are you a non-profit or for-profit entity? (Non-profit refers to any governmental agency or organization able to demonstrate 501(c)(3) not-for-profit status. If you are using the images under fair use, choose "Fair use".)
Preferred Photo Quality
Preferred Mode
Would you like to request another photo?
I have read and agree to the terms of the Center for Sacramento History’s Copyright Understanding Statement